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Eigenmodes of two-dimensional conservative droplet soliton

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Abstract Droplet solitons are strongly nonlinear, dynamic structures in ferromagnets with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy. For experimental observation of such structures a nanocontact spin torque oscillator (NC-STO) where spin polarized currents… Click to show full abstract

Abstract Droplet solitons are strongly nonlinear, dynamic structures in ferromagnets with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy. For experimental observation of such structures a nanocontact spin torque oscillator (NC-STO) where spin polarized currents act as a gain source to counteract magnetic damping is utilized. We analyze eigenmode of this droplet excitations in a simplest case of conservative droplet solitons, when both Gilbert damping in magnetic films and energy gain due to spin-polarized current can be neglected. As a result of such analysis eigenmode frequencies of conservative droplet are obtained. Among main features of conservative droplet eigenmode is azimuthal degeneration of mods and localization of mode frequencies in a finite region.

Keywords: droplet; two dimensional; droplet soliton; eigenmodes two; dimensional conservative; conservative droplet

Journal Title: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
Year Published: 2017

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