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Endovascular treatment of acute tandem occlusion strokes and stenting first experience

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This study demonstrates the radiologic and clinical findings, etiologies and intervention strategy in 8 acute ischemic stroke patients with tandem occlusions. The mean age was 57 and mean NIHSS score… Click to show full abstract

This study demonstrates the radiologic and clinical findings, etiologies and intervention strategy in 8 acute ischemic stroke patients with tandem occlusions. The mean age was 57 and mean NIHSS score was 19. Stent-assisted thrombectomy (SAT) was performed on all of the patients. Additionally, 6 patients underwent carotid artery stenting before SAT. Recanalization with TICIā‰„2b was attained in 7/8 patients. The 90thday median mRS was 2 and mortality was 1/8. The etiologies of the tandem occlusions were either extracranial high grade ICA stenosis/occlusion or cervical ICA dissection. When the stent-first approach was applied with distal thrombectomy, high TICI and low mRS scores were obtained.

Keywords: endovascular treatment; tandem occlusion; occlusion strokes; treatment acute; acute tandem; occlusion

Journal Title: Journal of Clinical Neuroscience
Year Published: 2018

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