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Adaptive semi-active control of a beam structure subjected to a moving load traversing with time-varying velocity

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Abstract A novel method for adaptive semi-active vibration control of structures subjected to a moving load is studied. The velocity of the load is assumed to be time-varying. The controller… Click to show full abstract

Abstract A novel method for adaptive semi-active vibration control of structures subjected to a moving load is studied. The velocity of the load is assumed to be time-varying. The controller consists of an internal model of the moving load, which is being frequently updated to accommodate changes in the load's velocity. The control method relies on a near-optimal switching control law that is based on the solution to the algebraic Lyapunov equation. The infinite-horizon formulation of the control problem enables us to use efficient numerical algorithms for adaptive recomputing of the control signal. The asymptotic stability of the closed-loop system and performance improvement in comparison to the passive method are analysed and formally proven. The controller is tested by means of numerical experiments involving a flexible beam equipped with a set of semi-active viscous dampers. We investigate three distinct simulation scenarios, which correspond to highly non-uniform motions of the load that consist of acceleration, deceleration and temporary halt phases. The results of the simulations are compared to passive and optimal open-loop strategies.

Keywords: moving load; control; velocity; semi active; adaptive semi

Journal Title: Journal of Sound and Vibration
Year Published: 2020

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