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Spectral radius of uniform hypergraphs

Photo by cnrad from unsplash

Abstract We prove a result concerning the behavior of the spectral radius of a hypergraph under relocations of edges. We determine the unique hypergraphs with maximum spectral radius among connected… Click to show full abstract

Abstract We prove a result concerning the behavior of the spectral radius of a hypergraph under relocations of edges. We determine the unique hypergraphs with maximum spectral radius among connected k -uniform hypergraphs with fixed number of pendant edges, the unique k -uniform hypertrees with respectively maximum, second maximum and third maximum spectral radius, the unique k -uniform unicyclic hypergraphs ( k -uniform linear unicyclic hypergraphs, respectively) with respectively maximum and second maximum spectral radius. We also determine the unique hypergraphs with maximum spectral radius among k -uniform unicyclic hypergraphs with given girth.

Keywords: spectral radius; maximum spectral; radius; uniform hypergraphs; unicyclic hypergraphs

Journal Title: Linear Algebra and its Applications
Year Published: 2017

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