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A resolution of Paz's conjecture in the presence of a nonderogatory matrix

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Abstract Let M n ( F ) be the algebra of n × n matrices over the field F and let S be a generating set of M n (… Click to show full abstract

Abstract Let M n ( F ) be the algebra of n × n matrices over the field F and let S be a generating set of M n ( F ) as an F -algebra. The length of a finite generating set S of M n ( F ) is the smallest number k such that words of length not greater than k generate M n ( F ) as a vector space. It is a long standing conjecture of Paz that the length of any generating set of M n ( F ) cannot exceed 2 n − 2 . We prove this conjecture under the assumption that the generating set S contains a nonderogatory matrix. In addition, we find linear bounds for the length of generating sets that include a matrix with some conditions on its Jordan canonical form. Finally, we investigate cases when the length 2 n − 2 is achieved.

Keywords: paz conjecture; resolution paz; conjecture; nonderogatory matrix; conjecture presence; generating set

Journal Title: Linear Algebra and its Applications
Year Published: 2018

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