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The impacts of grain boundary on the scattering of intermetallics in friction-stir-welded AA6061-T6

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Abstract The type of intermetallic precipitates and their distribution during the friction stir welding (FSW) have significant effects on the microstructure and mechanical performance. Therefore, the present study aimed to… Click to show full abstract

Abstract The type of intermetallic precipitates and their distribution during the friction stir welding (FSW) have significant effects on the microstructure and mechanical performance. Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate the type and volume fraction of grain boundaries in different zones of the FSW-ed AA6061-T6 alloys and their impacts on the scattering of intermetallic precipitates. For this purpose, EBSD and FESEM/EDS analysis along with the Rietveld refinement were performed. The results revealed the tendency of the AA6061-T6 to form intermetallic precipitates, i.e., Mg2Si, Mg5Si6, and Al0.70Fe3Si0.30, where both grain boundaries and grains interior were favored locations for the development of the intermetallics. This achievement could be a milestone in the development of affordable and sustainable welding technology for applications ranging from aircraft fittings to magneto parts.

Keywords: impacts grain; grain boundary; friction stir; friction; intermetallic precipitates

Journal Title: Materials Letters
Year Published: 2021

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