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NMR spectroscopy for assessing cocaine-functional monomer interactions when preparing molecularly imprinted polymers

Photo by diana_pole from unsplash

Abstract Synthesis of molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) implies a previous pre-polymerization stage in which the template (the molecule for which the MIP offers the specific recognition cavities) interacts with the… Click to show full abstract

Abstract Synthesis of molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) implies a previous pre-polymerization stage in which the template (the molecule for which the MIP offers the specific recognition cavities) interacts with the adequate functional monomer, just before the addition of the cross-linker and the initiator for performing the polymerization synthesis. The recognition properties, as well as the physical properties of the prepared MIP beads, are dependent on the successful template-monomer interaction during the pre-polymerization stage. Investigations by proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR) and nuclear overhauser effect (NOE) were performed to study the interactions between the template (cocaine) and the monomers (methacrylic acid and ethylene dimethacrylate). Experimental results were additionally compared to those obtained by in silico studies.

Keywords: monomer; spectroscopy; nmr spectroscopy; molecularly imprinted; functional monomer; imprinted polymers

Journal Title: Microchemical Journal
Year Published: 2019

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