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Cyclic voltammetry of bulk and nano CdCl2 with ceftazidime drug and some DFT calculations

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Abstract In the previous work, cyclic Voltammetry studies of (bulk/or nano) CdCl2 (BCC and NCC) in (presence/or absence) of Ceftazidime are performed to predict the behavior of complexation between the… Click to show full abstract

Abstract In the previous work, cyclic Voltammetry studies of (bulk/or nano) CdCl2 (BCC and NCC) in (presence/or absence) of Ceftazidime are performed to predict the behavior of complexation between the ligand and metal ion in solution. From these studies, we evaluate the values of solvation and kinetic parameters (diffusion coefficient, heterogeneous rate constant, surface coverage and quantity of electricity). In addition, the effect of different concentration of reactants, scan rate and temperatures of above the calculated quantities are studied. In case of presence Ceftazidime, the stability constant and thermodynamic parameters (free energy, enthalpy and entropy) are calculated. Finally, DFT-calculations for the Ceftazidime ligand and its prepared cadmium complex are performed.

Keywords: dft calculations; cyclic voltammetry; nano cdcl2; bulk nano

Journal Title: Journal of Molecular Liquids
Year Published: 2019

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