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Consensus seeking in multi-agent systems via hybrid protocols with impulse delays

Photo by naoram from unsplash

Abstract This paper studies the consensus problem of multi-agent systems with both fixed and switching topologies. A hybrid consensus protocol is proposed to take into consideration of continuous-time communications among… Click to show full abstract

Abstract This paper studies the consensus problem of multi-agent systems with both fixed and switching topologies. A hybrid consensus protocol is proposed to take into consideration of continuous-time communications among agents and delayed instant information exchanges on a sequence of discrete times. Based on the proposed algorithms, the multi-agent systems with the hybrid consensus protocols are described in the form of impulsive systems or impulsive switching systems. By employing results from matrix theory and algebraic graph theory, some sufficient conditions for the consensus of multi-agent systems with fixed and switching topologies are established, respectively. Our results show that, for small impulse delays, the hybrid consensus protocols can solve the consensus problem if the union of continuous-time and impulsive-time interaction digraphs contains a spanning tree frequently enough. Simulations are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed consensus protocols.

Keywords: agent systems; consensus; multi agent; hybrid consensus; impulse delays; consensus protocols

Journal Title: Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems
Year Published: 2017

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