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High-fidelity simulation: Teaching end-of-life care.

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The American Nurses Association, American Association of Colleges of Nursing, and the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies are unified in the position that nursing education must prepare students… Click to show full abstract

The American Nurses Association, American Association of Colleges of Nursing, and the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies are unified in the position that nursing education must prepare students to coordinate and perform end-of-life (EOL) care. Yet, according to literature, undergraduate nursing education in EOL care remains inadequate. Following a review of literature indicating a need for more EOL instruction, a high-fidelity simulation activity is introduced and described. Included are guidelines for preparation, role assignment, integration of other professionals and family, and student reflection after the activity. Student evaluations indicate that the simulation is valuable and improves self-efficacy in caring for the dying. By providing students with the opportunity to experience EOL in a low-risk, learning environment, a high-fidelity EOL simulation activity can help educators bridge the knowledge gap in nursing education.

Keywords: end life; fidelity simulation; simulation; high fidelity; care

Journal Title: Nurse education today
Year Published: 2017

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