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N-acetylcysteine (NAC) alleviates the peripheral neuropathy associated with liver cirrhosis via modulation of neural MEG3/PAR2/ NF-ҡB axis

BACKGROUND AND AIM Oxidative stress (OS) is accused in pathogenesis of many diseases, including liver cirrhosis by many mechanisms. One of them is the disturbance of long non coding maternally… Click to show full abstract

BACKGROUND AND AIM Oxidative stress (OS) is accused in pathogenesis of many diseases, including liver cirrhosis by many mechanisms. One of them is the disturbance of long non coding maternally expressed 3 (MEG3)/protease activated receptor 2 (PAR2) downstream pathway. We aimed to investigate the role of this axis in cirrhotic neuropathy and whether an antioxidant compound such as N-acetylcysteine (NAC) could improve the peripheral nerve function through repression of MEG3/PAR2. METHODS Thirty Wistar rats were used and divided into 5 groups; naive, thiacetamide (TAA) (200 mg/kg 3 times/week. i.p. for 8 weeks) and TAA+NAC (50 or 100 or 200 mg/kg/day) groups. Von Frey (VF) test for mechanical nociceptive responses, hepatic& neural MEG3, NF-ҡB and neural PAR2 expression by PCR, histological studies for liver and sciatic nerve together with the dorsopedal skin thickness were done. RESULTS TAA induced significant decrease in liver function, negative VF test, an increase in the expression of hepatic& neural MEG3, NF-ҡB and neural PAR2. The histological studies showed cirrhotic changes with atrophy of the sciatic nerve and the dorsal skin. NAC improved the liver function together with reversal of the neural: functional, biochemical and histological changes in a dose dependent manner. CONCLUSIONS NAC could improve the peripheral neuropathy in cirrhotic rat through suppression of MEG3/PAR2 expression.

Keywords: par2; meg3 par2; meg3; liver cirrhosis; neural meg3; nac

Journal Title: Neurochemistry International
Year Published: 2020

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