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Multidisciplinary teams are essential for developing clinical decision support to improve pediatric health outcomes: An exemplar.

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Clinical decision support with individualized patient education information can facilitate the translation of evidence-based guidelines into practice to improve pediatric patient outcomes. Interdisciplinary teams are required to develop and implement… Click to show full abstract

Clinical decision support with individualized patient education information can facilitate the translation of evidence-based guidelines into practice to improve pediatric patient outcomes. Interdisciplinary teams are required to develop and implement this technology support into practice. Engineering expertise with attention to three components is required: backend (e.g., data science, predictions), front end (e.g., user interface), and integration (e.g., workflow) must be addressed to achieve useful technology that will be adopted. An engineering framework, Technology Acceptance Model, can be used to guide the development of clinical decision support with patient education materials and includes a partnership with end users, both clinicians and patients.

Keywords: improve pediatric; decision support; clinical decision; support; multidisciplinary teams

Journal Title: Journal of pediatric nursing
Year Published: 2020

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