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Bubble-based EMMS/DP drag model for MP-PIC simulation

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Abstract To account for the sub-grid heterogeneity of bubbling gas-solid flows in the multi-phase particle-in-cell (MP-PIC) method, a bubble-based EMMS/DP drag model is proposed in this work by taking into… Click to show full abstract

Abstract To account for the sub-grid heterogeneity of bubbling gas-solid flows in the multi-phase particle-in-cell (MP-PIC) method, a bubble-based EMMS/DP drag model is proposed in this work by taking into account the particle/parcel position information. The local, inter-parcel porosity is calculated by using the method of smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH), while the intra-parcel porosity is closed by using the Energy Minimization Multi-scale (EMMS) model. The local velocities of gas phase and different solid parcels are determined by using the constraint of pressure drop balance between phases as in the EMMS/bubbling model. The drag force acting on each parcel is then determined with the sub-grid information of velocities and porosities. Two cases of bubbling fluidized bed are simulated to validate this drag model. And the results show good agreement with experimental data.

Keywords: bubble based; model; emms drag; drag model; based emms; pic

Journal Title: Powder Technology
Year Published: 2020

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