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A method to modify the lineal energy-based quality factor for semiconductor microdosiemeters

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Abstract A lineal energy-based quality factor, Q ( y ) , has been provided for a spherical sensitive volume (SV) of 1 μm diameter. Significant errors may occur in determination of… Click to show full abstract

Abstract A lineal energy-based quality factor, Q ( y ) , has been provided for a spherical sensitive volume (SV) of 1 μm diameter. Significant errors may occur in determination of the dose equivalent by application of this quality factor to larger SVs as is common for semiconductor microdosiemeters. In this work a method is provided to correct Q ( y ) obtained with large SVs. The dose equivalent determined with spherical tissue SVs with different diameters up to 150 μm for mono-energetic protons and alpha particles with energies from 1 to 10 5  MeV per nucleon and 1–10 4  MeV per nucleon, respectively, is calculated with the corrected quality factor as well as the uncorrected quality factor by means of a Monte Carlo method. The results obtained reveal that by use of the corrected quality factor, the difference between the dose equivalents calculated for SVs with diameters larger than 1 μm reduces from a factor of 3 to less than 30% for the worst case.

Keywords: lineal energy; quality factor; factor; energy based; based quality

Journal Title: Radiation Measurements
Year Published: 2018

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