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Prevention of Illicit Drug use from the Users' Perspective.

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This research described the perspective of illicit drug users regarding illicit drug use prevention initiatives. The study used a convergent parallel mixed methods design, combining quantitative and qualitative methods. In… Click to show full abstract

This research described the perspective of illicit drug users regarding illicit drug use prevention initiatives. The study used a convergent parallel mixed methods design, combining quantitative and qualitative methods. In the quantitative component of the study, 111 subjects from a psychosocial care centre (CAPS-AD). The qualitative data were collected through semi-structured interviews with 11 subjects who were selected from among the participants and who declared themselves to be personally affected as being or having been illicit drugs users. From the perspective of drug users, the results pointed out different prevention initiatives and the institutions that should be responsible for them. For preventive actions to be successful, they must be intersectoral and involve government, community and families.

Keywords: illicit drug; users perspective; drug use; drug; prevention

Journal Title: Revista colombiana de psiquiatria
Year Published: 2021

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