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A reliable route for relieving the constraints of multi-main-phase Nd–La–Ce–Fe–B sintered magnets at high La–Ce substitution: (Pr, Nd)H grain boundary diffusion

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Abstract Massive rare earth oxides inevitably form at high La-Ce substitution, causing inadequate liquid-phase-sintering, direct exchange coupling of ferromagnetic grains, obscure core-shell morphology and severe coercivity degradation of multi-main-phase (MMP)… Click to show full abstract

Abstract Massive rare earth oxides inevitably form at high La-Ce substitution, causing inadequate liquid-phase-sintering, direct exchange coupling of ferromagnetic grains, obscure core-shell morphology and severe coercivity degradation of multi-main-phase (MMP) Nd-La-Ce-Fe-B sintered magnets. To fully exploit the abundant La-Ce for application, here we designed a facile approach, (Pr, Nd)Hx grain boundary diffusion that combines the joint benefits of forming thick non-ferromagnetic grain boundary layer and PrNd-rich hardening shell, yielding a nearly threefold coercivity of 14.2 kOe with enhanced energy product of 38.5 MGOe for LaCe-40 magnet. These findings suggest a reliable recipe for relieving the main constraints of MMP Nd-La-Ce-Fe-B magnets.

Keywords: multi main; phase; grain boundary; main phase; high substitution

Journal Title: Scripta Materialia
Year Published: 2020

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