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Follicular dynamics, estrous response and pregnancy rate following GnRH and progesterone priming with or without eCG during non-breeding season in anestrous Beetal goats

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Abstract Goats show seasonal reproductive behaviour under subtropical latitude; limiting the scope of the intensive farming system. Therefore, the objective was to evaluate the efficacy of GnRH plus short-term progesterone… Click to show full abstract

Abstract Goats show seasonal reproductive behaviour under subtropical latitude; limiting the scope of the intensive farming system. Therefore, the objective was to evaluate the efficacy of GnRH plus short-term progesterone treatment with or without eCG on reproductive parameters of anestrous Beetal goats during the non-breeding season. We hypothesized that GnRH + short-term progesterone priming will be effective in inducing estrous response in anestrous Beetal goats during the non-breeding season. Anestrous goats (n = 48) were treated with GnRH and CIDR (Day 0), and randomly divided into eCG (400 IU; n = 27) and non-eCG (n = 21) groups on Day 7. All goats were administered PGF2α at the time of CIDR removal on Day 7. After the GnRH administration, eighteen goats were monitored daily for follicular dynamics. Of which 44% goat ovulated and had earlier emergence of new wave (P

Keywords: non breeding; breeding season; beetal goats; anestrous beetal; progesterone

Journal Title: Small Ruminant Research
Year Published: 2020

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