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Punching Holes in Cellular Membranes: Biology and Evolution of Gasdermins.

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The gasdermin (GSDM) family has evolved as six gene clusters (GSDMA-E and Pejvakin, PJVK), and GSDM proteins are characterized by a unique N-terminal domain (N-GSDM). With the exception of PJVK,… Click to show full abstract

The gasdermin (GSDM) family has evolved as six gene clusters (GSDMA-E and Pejvakin, PJVK), and GSDM proteins are characterized by a unique N-terminal domain (N-GSDM). With the exception of PJVK, the N-GSDM domain is capable of executing plasma membrane permeabilization. Depending on the cell death modality, several protease- and kinase-dependent mechanisms directly regulate the activity of GSDME and GSDMD, the two most widely expressed and best-studied GSDMs. We provide an overview of all GSDMs in terms of biological function, tissue expression, activation, regulation, and structure. In-depth phylogenetic analysis reveals that GSDM genes show many gene duplications and deletions, suggesting that strong evolutionary forces and a unique position of the PJVK gene are associated with the occurrence of complex inner-ear development in vertebrates.

Keywords: cellular membranes; membranes biology; punching holes; biology; biology evolution; holes cellular

Journal Title: Trends in cell biology
Year Published: 2021

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