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Making the invisible visible: Recrafting the discourse surrounding women caregivers in academia

Photo by libraryofcongress from unsplash

“But unspoken as it may be, the expectation for many women is that at a time when you’re just trying to hold it all together, you must somehow figure out… Click to show full abstract

“But unspoken as it may be, the expectation for many women is that at a time when you’re just trying to hold it all together, you must somehow figure out how to pick up where you left off. Some of the pressure is societal: for women fortunate enough to have time off, once you go back to work, you’re right back in it. The fact that your baby is cluster feeding or staging a sleep strike is not really an excuse for missing a deadline. But the haze of new motherhood has a way of warping your own perception of what you should be able to handle. When getting through the day requires a certain amount of autopilot (and coffee), there’s not a ton of time to reflect on what caring for a new life while meeting the demands of your own is doing to you.”

Keywords: visible recrafting; surrounding women; recrafting discourse; making invisible; invisible visible; discourse surrounding

Journal Title: Industrial and Organizational Psychology
Year Published: 2023

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