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Missionary Primitivism and Chinese Modernity: The Brethren in Twentieth-Century China. By David Woodbridge. Leiden: Brill, 2019. xi + 173 pp. $119.00 hardback.

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economic factors, and the role of philanthropic organizations. Moreover, the study does an excellent job of unraveling how particular narratives, such as the decline of American religion, frame popular analyzes… Click to show full abstract

economic factors, and the role of philanthropic organizations. Moreover, the study does an excellent job of unraveling how particular narratives, such as the decline of American religion, frame popular analyzes about the role of religion in higher education. The authors also avoid the histrionics of both cultural warriors on the religious right and the progressive opponents of religion on the secular left but instead offer a carefully constructed analysis. Although the first five chapters of the work present a rather optimistic picture of the role of religion in higher education, the final chapter tempers that enthusiasm with a realistic assessment of the challenges facing religion. In the end, The Resilience of Religion in American Higher Education captures the complex role that religion continues to play in American higher education.

Keywords: missionary primitivism; religion; role religion; higher education

Journal Title: Church History
Year Published: 2019

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