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Informal music making in studio music instruction: A Canadian case study

Photo by marcelalaskoski from unsplash

The purpose of this study was to gain an in-depth understanding of how one classically trained musician adapted his pedagogical practices to accommodate the needs and interests of his students.… Click to show full abstract

The purpose of this study was to gain an in-depth understanding of how one classically trained musician adapted his pedagogical practices to accommodate the needs and interests of his students. A case-study methodology was employed to explore the perceptions and practices of this teacher, and data were collected over a two-year period through interviews and observations. Findings indicated that students were engaged in music-making throughout the lesson, and that many of the lesson characteristics aligned with Lucy Green's (2002, 2008) descriptions of an informal pedagogical orientation. The overarching aim of the teacher's instruction was to support students’ development of musical knowledge and skills that would enhance their learning, and to expand their understanding of musical genres and performance practices.

Keywords: instruction; study; music making; music; case study

Journal Title: British Journal of Music Education
Year Published: 2017

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