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Quantification of 19 Aldehydes in Human Serum by Headspace SPME/GC/High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry.

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Sources of human aldehyde exposure include food additives, combustion of organic matter (tobacco smoke), water disinfection byproducts via ozonation, and endogenous processes. Aldehydes are potentially carcinogenic and mutagenic, and chronic… Click to show full abstract

Sources of human aldehyde exposure include food additives, combustion of organic matter (tobacco smoke), water disinfection byproducts via ozonation, and endogenous processes. Aldehydes are potentially carcinogenic and mutagenic, and chronic human aldehyde exposure has raised concerns about potential deleterious health effects. To aid investigations of human aldehyde exposure, we developed a novel method to measure 19 aldehydes released from Schiff base protein adducts in serum using controlled acid hydrolysis, solid-phase microextraction (SPME), gas chromatography (GC), and high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS). Aldehydes are released from Schiff base protein adducts through acid hydrolysis, and are quantified in trace amounts (μg/L) using stable isotope dilution. Detection limits range from 0.1 to 50 μg/L, with calibration curves spanning 3 orders of magnitude. The analysis of fortified quality control material over a three-month period showed excellent precision and long-term stability (3-22% CV) for samples stored at -70 °C. The intraday precision is also excellent (CV, 1-10%). The method accuracy ranges from 89 to 108% for all measured aldehydes, except acrolein and crotonaldehyde, two aldehydes present in tobacco smoke; their analysis by this method is not considered robust due in part to their reactivity in vivo. However, results strongly suggest that propanal, butanal, isobutanal, and isopentanal levels in smokers are higher than levels in nonsmokers, and thus may be useful as biomarkers of tobacco smoke exposure. This method will facilitate large epidemiological studies involving aldehyde biomonitoring to examine nonoccupational environmental exposures.

Keywords: high resolution; mass spectrometry; exposure; spme; resolution mass

Journal Title: Environmental science & technology
Year Published: 2018

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