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CoP Nanoparticles Combined with WSe2 Nanosheets: An Efficient Hybrid Catalyst for Electrocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution Reaction

Hydrogen (H2) is a clean and efficient energy carrier, and great efforts have been focused on developing new non-Pt electrocatalysts for the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER). In this study, CoP/WSe2… Click to show full abstract

Hydrogen (H2) is a clean and efficient energy carrier, and great efforts have been focused on developing new non-Pt electrocatalysts for the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER). In this study, CoP/WSe2 nanosheets hybrids were successfully prepared, and their potential as a new non-noble HER catalyst was evaluated. We found that all the hybrids showed higher catalytic activity than pure CoP and WSe2 nanosheets, suggesting their synergistic catalytic effect in the HER. Particularly, in 0.5 M H2SO4, the hybrid with an optimized CoP-to-WSe2 mass ratio of 1:1 has the highest current density of 102.9 mA/cm2 at 300 mV vs RHE and excellent long-term stability.

Keywords: wse2 nanosheets; cop; hydrogen evolution; evolution reaction

Journal Title: Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
Year Published: 2018

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