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Development of a Fully Automated Method HS-SPME-GC-MS/MS for the Determination of Odor-Active Carbonyls in Wines: a "Green" Approach to Improve Robustness and Productivity in the Oenological Analytical Chemistry.

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The aim of this study was the optimization and validation of a green, robust, and comprehensive method for the determination of volatile carbonyl compounds (VCCs) in wines that could be… Click to show full abstract

The aim of this study was the optimization and validation of a green, robust, and comprehensive method for the determination of volatile carbonyl compounds (VCCs) in wines that could be added as a new quality control tool for the evaluation of a complete fermentation, correct winemaking style, and proper bottling and storage. A HS-SPME-GC-MS/MS method was optimized and automated using the autosampler to improve overall performance. A solvent-less technique and a strong minimization of all volumes were implemented to comply with the green analytical chemistry principles. There were as many as 44 VCC (mainly linear aldehydes, Strecker aldehydes, unsaturated aldehydes, ketones, and many other) analytes under investigation. All compounds showed a good linearity, and the LOQs were abundantly under the relevant perception thresholds. Intraday, 5-day interday repeatability, and recovery performances in a spiked real sample were evaluated showing satisfactory results. The method was applied to determine the evolution of VCCs in white and red wines after accelerated aging for 5 weeks at 50 °C. Furans and linear and Strecker aldehydes were the compounds that showed the most important variation; many VCCs increased in both classes of samples, whereas some showed different behaviors between white and red cultivars. The obtained results are in strong accordance with the latest models on carbonyl evolution related to wine aging.

Keywords: chemistry; spme; chemistry development; determination; method; analytical chemistry

Journal Title: Journal of agricultural and food chemistry
Year Published: 2023

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