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Effect of Cosolvents DMSO and Glycerol on the Self-Assembly Behavior of SDBS and CPC: An Experimental and Theoretical Approach

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The study of the effect of cosolvents on the micellization of ionic surfactants is relevant in different industrial applications. In this article, we studied the effects of binary aqueous mixtures… Click to show full abstract

The study of the effect of cosolvents on the micellization of ionic surfactants is relevant in different industrial applications. In this article, we studied the effects of binary aqueous mixtures of DMSO and glycerol on the micellization and thermodynamic behavior of sodium dodecyl benzenesulfonate (SDBS) and cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC) in the range of (293.15–308.15) K. The electrical conductivity method was employed to determine the parameters of micellization such as the critical micellar concentration (CMC) and degree of counterion dissociation (α). The temperature dependence of CMC values was used to calculate other thermodynamic parameters of micellization such as the standard free energy of micellization (ΔGm0), the standard enthalpy of micellization (ΔHm0), and the standard entropy of micellization (ΔSm0). Result analysis showed that the CMCs of both surfactants (SDBS and CPC) were directly proportional to the cosolvent concentration. The standard free energy of micellization (ΔGm0) was negati...

Keywords: micellization; sdbs cpc; effect cosolvents; dmso glycerol

Journal Title: Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data
Year Published: 2018

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