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All-Color Subwavelength Output of Organic Flexible Microlasers.

Photo by itfeelslikefilm from unsplash

All-color subwavelength output of lasers was demonstrated in a rationally designed organic microdisk/silver nanowire heterostructures. The dye-doped flexible microdisks served as the wavelength tunable whispering-gallery-mode lasers with low lasing thresholds,… Click to show full abstract

All-color subwavelength output of lasers was demonstrated in a rationally designed organic microdisk/silver nanowire heterostructures. The dye-doped flexible microdisks served as the wavelength tunable whispering-gallery-mode lasers with low lasing thresholds, whereas the silver nanowires supported the output of the lasing mode as subwavelength coherent light sources. The wavelength of the outcoupled laser was tuned over the full visible spectrum scope owing to the flexibility of the microdisks and their compatibility with various organic laser dyes. Furthermore, a multicolor subwavelength laser was achieved in a single heterostructure and the laser output was successfully modulated by varying the surface plasmon polariton propagation length.

Keywords: output organic; laser; output; subwavelength; subwavelength output; color subwavelength

Journal Title: Journal of the American Chemical Society
Year Published: 2017

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