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Mapping partial wave dynamics in scattering resonances by rotational de-excitation collisions

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One of the most important parameters in a collision is the ‘miss distance’ or impact parameter, which in quantum mechanics is described by quantized partial waves. Usually, the collision outcome… Click to show full abstract

One of the most important parameters in a collision is the ‘miss distance’ or impact parameter, which in quantum mechanics is described by quantized partial waves. Usually, the collision outcome is the result of unavoidable averaging over many partial waves. Here we present a study of low-energy NO–He collisions that enables us to probe how individual partial waves evolve during the collision. By tuning the collision energies to scattering resonances between 0.4 and 6 cm−1, the initial conditions are characterized by a limited set of partial waves. By preparing NO in a rotationally excited state before the collision and by studying rotational de-excitation collisions, we were able to add one quantum of angular momentum to the system and trace how it evolves. Distinct fingerprints in the differential cross-sections yield a comprehensive picture of the partial wave dynamics during the scattering process. Exploiting the principle of detailed balance, we show that rotational de-excitation collisions probe time-reversed excitation processes with superior energy and angular resolution. Low-energy NO–He collisions have been studied and scattering resonances observed. By rotationally exciting NO before the collision, a controlled amount of angular momentum was added and its release in de-excitation collisions was monitored—additional quantum waves were imprinted in the angular distributions of the scattering products.

Keywords: excitation collisions; scattering resonances; rotational excitation; partial wave; excitation; partial waves

Journal Title: Nature Chemistry
Year Published: 2022

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