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Pulsed Corona Discharge Induced Hydroxyl Radical Transfer Through the Gas-Liquid Interface

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The highly energetic electrons in non-thermal plasma generated by gas phase pulsed corona discharge (PCD) produce hydroxyl (OH) radicals via collision reactions with water molecules. Previous work has established that… Click to show full abstract

The highly energetic electrons in non-thermal plasma generated by gas phase pulsed corona discharge (PCD) produce hydroxyl (OH) radicals via collision reactions with water molecules. Previous work has established that OH radicals are formed at the plasma-liquid interface, making it an important location for the oxidation of aqueous pollutants. Here, by contacting water as aerosol with PCD plasma, it is shown that OH radicals are produced on the gas side of the interface, and not in the liquid phase. It is also demonstrated that the gas-liquid interfacial boundary poses a barrier for the OH radicals, one they need to cross for reactive affinity with dissolved components, and that this process requires a gaseous atomic H scavenger. For gaseous oxidation, a scavenger, oxygen in common cases, is an advantage but not a requirement. OH radical efficiency in liquid phase reactions is strongly temperature dependent as radical termination reaction rates increase with temperature.

Keywords: pulsed corona; gas liquid; gas; liquid interface; interface; corona discharge

Journal Title: Scientific Reports
Year Published: 2017

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