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Sodium-induced population shift drives activation of thrombin

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The equilibrium between active E and inactive E* forms of thrombin is assumed to be governed by the allosteric binding of a Na + ion. Here we use molecular dynamics… Click to show full abstract

The equilibrium between active E and inactive E* forms of thrombin is assumed to be governed by the allosteric binding of a Na + ion. Here we use molecular dynamics simulations and Markov state models to sample transitions between active and inactive states. With these calculations we are able to compare thermodynamic and kinetic properties depending on the presence of Na + . For the first time, we directly observe sodium-induced conformational changes in long-timescale computer simulations. Thereby, we are able to explain the resulting change in activity. We observe a stabilization of the active form in presence of Na + and a shift towards the inactive form in Na + -free simulations. We identify key structural features to quantify and monitor this conformational shift. These include the accessibility of the S1 pocket and the reorientation of W215, of R221a and of the Na + loop. The structural characteristics exhibit dynamics at various timescales: Conformational changes in the Na + binding loop constitute the slowest observed movement. Depending on its orientation, it induces conformational shifts in the nearby substrate binding site. Only after this shift, residue W215 is able to move freely, allowing thrombin to adopt a binding-competent conformation.

Keywords: shift; induced population; population shift; shift drives; sodium induced

Journal Title: Scientific Reports
Year Published: 2020

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