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Dynamics of ethylene glycol-based graphene and molybdenum disulfide hybrid nanofluid over a stretchable surface with slip conditions

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In this research study, numerical and statistical explorations are accomplished to capture the flow features of the dynamics of ethylene glycol-based hybrid nanofluid flow over an exponentially stretchable sheet with… Click to show full abstract

In this research study, numerical and statistical explorations are accomplished to capture the flow features of the dynamics of ethylene glycol-based hybrid nanofluid flow over an exponentially stretchable sheet with velocity and thermal slip conditions. Physical insight of viscous dissipation, heat absorption and thermal radiation on the flow-field is scrutinized by dissolving the nanoparticles of molybdenum disulfide (MoS 2 ) and graphene into ethylene glycol. The governing mathematical model is transformed into the system of similarity equations by utilizing the apt similarity variables. The numerical solution of resulting similarity equations with associated conditions are obtained employing three-stages Lobatto-IIIa-bvp4c-solver based on a finite difference scheme in MATLAB. The effects of emerging flow parameters on the flow-field are enumerated through various graphical and tabulated results. Additionally, to comprehend the connection between heat transport rate and emerging flow parameters, a quadratic regression approximation analysis on the numerical entities of local Nusselt numbers and skin friction coefficients is accomplished. The findings disclose that the suction and thermal radiation have an adverse influence on the skin friction coefficients and heat transport rate. Further, a slight augmentation in the thermal slip factor causes a considerable variation in the heat transport rate in comparison to the radiation effect.

Keywords: slip conditions; slip; ethylene glycol; hybrid nanofluid; dynamics ethylene; glycol based

Journal Title: Scientific Reports
Year Published: 2022

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