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Dynamic Wavelength-Tunable Photodetector Using Subwavelength Graphene Field-Effect Transistors

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Dynamic wavelength tunability has long been the holy grail of photodetector technology. Because of its atomic thickness and unique properties, graphene opens up new paradigms to realize this concept, but… Click to show full abstract

Dynamic wavelength tunability has long been the holy grail of photodetector technology. Because of its atomic thickness and unique properties, graphene opens up new paradigms to realize this concept, but so far this has been elusive experimentally. Here we employ detailed quantum transport modeling of photocurrent in graphene field-effect transistors (including realistic electromagnetic fields) to show that wavelength tunability is possible by dynamically changing the gate voltage. We reveal the phenomena that govern the behavior of this type of device and show significant departure from the simple expectations based on vertical transitions. We find strong focusing of the electromagnetic fields at the contact edges over the same length scale as the band-bending. Both of these spatially-varying potentials lead to an enhancement of non-vertical optical transitions, which dominate even in the absence of phonon or impurity scattering. We also show that the vanishing density of states near the Dirac point leads to contact blocking and a gate-dependent modulation of the photocurrent. Several of the effects discussed here should be applicable to a broad range of one- and two-dimensional materials and devices.

Keywords: photodetector; graphene field; effect transistors; field effect; dynamic wavelength

Journal Title: Scientific Reports
Year Published: 2017

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