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Evaluation of laser ablation double-focusing SC-ICPMS for “common” lead isotopic measurements in silicate glasses and minerals

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An analytical method for the in situ measurement of “common” Pb isotope ratios in silicate glasses and minerals using a 193 nm excimer laser ablation (LA) system with a double-focusing… Click to show full abstract

An analytical method for the in situ measurement of “common” Pb isotope ratios in silicate glasses and minerals using a 193 nm excimer laser ablation (LA) system with a double-focusing single-collector (SC)-ICPMS is presented and evaluated as a possible alternative to multiple-collector (MC)-ICPMS. This LA-SC-ICPMS technique employs fast-scanning ion deflectors to sequentially place a series of flat-topped isotope peaks into a single ion-counting detector at a fixed accelerating voltage and magnetic field strength. Reference materials (including NIST, MPI-DING, and USGS glasses) are used to identify two analytical artifacts on the Pb isotope ratios (expressed here as heavier/lighter isotopes) when corrected for mass bias relative to NIST SRM610. The first artifact is characterized by anomalously low Pb isotope ratios (∼0.1% per AMU) when SRM610 is analyzed in raster mode as an unknown at small spot sizes ( 5 ppm) by LA-SC-ICPMS is unlikely, and in this case, LA-MC-ICPMS remains the preferable analytical technique.

Keywords: silicate glasses; glasses minerals; laser ablation; double focusing; icpms

Journal Title: Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry
Year Published: 2017

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