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Evidence for H-bonding interactions to the μ-η2:η2-peroxide of oxy-tyrosinase that activate its coupled binuclear copper site.

Photo by anniespratt from unsplash

The factors that control the diverse reactivity of the μ-η2:η2-peroxo dicopper(II) oxy-intermediates in the coupled binuclear copper proteins remain elusive. Here, spectroscopic and computational methods reveal H-bonding interactions between active-site… Click to show full abstract

The factors that control the diverse reactivity of the μ-η2:η2-peroxo dicopper(II) oxy-intermediates in the coupled binuclear copper proteins remain elusive. Here, spectroscopic and computational methods reveal H-bonding interactions between active-site waters and the μ-η2:η2-peroxide of oxy-tyrosinase, and define their effects on the Cu(II)2O2 electronic structure and O2 activation.

Keywords: oxy tyrosinase; coupled binuclear; peroxide oxy; bonding interactions; binuclear copper

Journal Title: Chemical communications
Year Published: 2022

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