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Over-the-wire technique in ERCP for common bile duct stone after total gastrectomy with jejunal interposition

Photo by drewsal from unsplash

The main reconstruction procedure presently used after total gastrectomy is the Roux-en-Y method, but jejunal interposition was previously performed [1]. The most appropriate technique for endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) after… Click to show full abstract

The main reconstruction procedure presently used after total gastrectomy is the Roux-en-Y method, but jejunal interposition was previously performed [1]. The most appropriate technique for endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) after jejunal interposition has not been determined because of a lack of reported cases. A 70-year-old woman with a history of jejunal interposition after total gastrectomy was hospitalized for a common bile duct stone. Although ERCP was attempted using a short-type double-balloon endoscope (EI-580T; Fujifilm Holdings Corp, Tokyo, Japan), biliary cannulation failed despite reaching the duodenum. Laparoscopic exploration of the common bile duct and cholecystectomy were subsequently performed. After 2 years, the patient presented with a recurrent common bile duct stone on contrast-enhanced computed tomography (▶Fig. 1). A side-viewing duodenoscope could not be passed into the duodenum owing to sharp bowel angulation resulting from adhesions. Therefore, a passive-bending colonoscope (PCF-H290ZI; Olympus Corp., Tokyo, Japan) was maneuvered into the duodenum. After the duodenum was reached, a double-guidewire was advanced through to the jejunum (▶Fig. 2 a). The colonoscope was exchanged for a side-viewing duodenoscope (TJF-Q290V; Olympus Corp) with the wire left in place (over-the-wire technique). Under fluoroscopic and endoscopic visualization, a duodenoscope was carefully pushed and passed into the duodenum (▶Fig. 2b), and the doubleguidewire was removed. Successful biliary cannulation was performed using the pancreatic guidewire placement method (▶Fig. 2 c). After a prophylactic pancreatic stent placement, a sphincterotomy with stone removal was successfully achieved (▶Fig. 2d). Six days after the ERCP, the pancreatic stent was removed (▶Video 1). This case demonstrates an over-the-wire technique that is effective in ERCP after total gastrectomy with jejunal interposition. By leaving the wire in place, the duodenoscope can be safely advanced under endoscopic and fluoroscopic guidance.

Keywords: common bile; interposition; wire; jejunal interposition; bile duct; total gastrectomy

Journal Title: Endoscopy
Year Published: 2023

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