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On predicting receptivity to surface roughness in a compressible infinite swept wing boundary layer

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The receptivity of crossflow disturbances on an infinite swept wing is investigated using solutions of the adjoint linearised Navier-Stokes equations. The adjoint based method for predicting the magnitude of stationary… Click to show full abstract

The receptivity of crossflow disturbances on an infinite swept wing is investigated using solutions of the adjoint linearised Navier-Stokes equations. The adjoint based method for predicting the magnitude of stationary disturbances generated by randomly distributed surface roughness is described, with the analysis extended to include both surface curvature and compressible flow effects. Receptivity is predicted for a broad spectrum of spanwise wavenumbers, variable freestream Reynolds numbers, and subsonic Mach numbers. Curvature is found to play a significant role in the receptivity calculations, while compressible flow effects are only found to marginally affect the initial size of the crossflow instability. A Monte Carlo type analysis is undertaken to establish the mean amplitude and variance of crossflow disturbances generated by the randomly distributed surface roughness. Mean amplitudes are determined for a range of flow parameters that are maximised for roughness distributions containing a broad sp...

Keywords: swept wing; surface roughness; receptivity; infinite swept

Journal Title: Physics of Fluids
Year Published: 2017

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