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O2 adsorbed on Ptn clusters: Structure and optical absorption

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The interaction of O2 with Ptn and the optical absorption properties of PtnO2 were explored under the framework of density functional theory. The Ptn (n= 2, 4, 6, 9, 10,… Click to show full abstract

The interaction of O2 with Ptn and the optical absorption properties of PtnO2 were explored under the framework of density functional theory. The Ptn (n= 2, 4, 6, 9, 10, 14, 18, 22, and 27) clusters were selected, which were reported as magnetic number Ptn clusters in reference (V. Kumar and Y. Kawazoe, Phys. Rev. B 77(20), 205418 (2008)). The single Pt atom was also considered. The longest O2 bonds were found for Pt27O2, Pt6O2 and Pt14O2, while PtO2 and Pt2O2 have the shortest O2 bonds. This result showed that the single Pt atom was not preferred for O2 activation. The O2 bond length was closely related to the electron transfer from Ptn to O2. The optical absorptions of PtnO2 were investigated with time-dependent density functional theory method. A new term of charge transfer strength was defined to estimate the further electron transfer from Ptn to O2 caused by the optical absorption in the visible light range. Our calculations showed that with the increasing n, the further electron transfer from Ptn to...

Keywords: optical absorption; ptn clusters; electron transfer

Journal Title: AIP Advances
Year Published: 2018

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