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Accurate single-shot measurement technique for the spectral distribution of GeV electron beams from a laser wakefield accelerator

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We present a technique, based on a dipole magnet spectrometer containing multiple scintillation screens, to accurately characterize the spectral distribution of a GeV electron beam generated by laser wakefield acceleration… Click to show full abstract

We present a technique, based on a dipole magnet spectrometer containing multiple scintillation screens, to accurately characterize the spectral distribution of a GeV electron beam generated by laser wakefield acceleration (LWFA). An optimization algorithm along with a numerical code was developed for trajectory tracing and reconstructing the electron beam angle, divergence, and energy spectrum with a single-shot measurement. The code was validated by comparing the results with the Monte-Carlo simulation of electron beam trajectories. We applied the method to analyze data obtained from laser wakefield acceleration experiments performed using a multi-Petawatt laser to accelerate electron beams to multi-GeV energy. Our technique offers improved accuracy to faithfully characterize electron beams with non-negligible shot-to-shot beam pointing fluctuations, particularly in the state-of-the-art multi-GeV LWFA experiments performed to push the energy frontier.

Keywords: technique; gev; shot; electron beams; laser wakefield; electron

Journal Title: AIP Advances
Year Published: 2019

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