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Australian primary health care nurses.

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Preconception care (PCC) entails counselling and interventions to optimise health before pregnancy. Barriers to this service delivery include access and time. Primary healthcare nurses (PHCNs) are uniquely placed to deliver… Click to show full abstract

Preconception care (PCC) entails counselling and interventions to optimise health before pregnancy. Barriers to this service delivery include access and time. Primary healthcare nurses (PHCNs) are uniquely placed to deliver PCC. The aim of this study was to understand PHCNs' knowledge, practice and attitudes to PCC. A cross-sectional study was performed of a convenience sample of PHCNs in Australia who were seeing people of reproductive age. Recruitment was via the Australian Primary Health Care Nurses Association (APNA) electronic communication platforms. The 18-item, online, anonymous survey captured demographics, as well as PCC knowledge, practices and attitudes. Descriptive statistics were used to describe our findings. In all, 152 completed surveys were received. Of all respondents, 74% stated they discuss PCC in their practice, although only 13% do so routinely. Of these, more preconception discussions are held with women than with men. In total, 95% of respondents identified at least one barrier to delivery of PCC, with lack of time and knowledge being the most common. The findings of this study can inform targeted strategies, including education programs and resources, and consideration of incentives to support PHCNs deliver PCC. This study identifies areas for improvement at the individual, organisational and health system levels to enhance the role of PHCNs in PCC.

Keywords: pcc; health; health care; australian primary; primary health

Journal Title: Australian journal of primary health
Year Published: 2021

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