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Growth and characteristics of perovskite CH3NH3PbBr3 crystal for optoelectronic applications

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Abstract A simple low-temperature evaporation technique for growing single crystals of methyl ammonium lead tribromide [CH3NH3PbBr3] with characterization emphasis on optical and electrical properties is described. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis… Click to show full abstract

Abstract A simple low-temperature evaporation technique for growing single crystals of methyl ammonium lead tribromide [CH3NH3PbBr3] with characterization emphasis on optical and electrical properties is described. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis was conducted to investigate the structural quality of resulting crystals. Optical properties were measured to determine optical band-gap, refractive index and extinction coefficient. Electrical properties were measured for understanding dominant polarization coefficient over wide range of frequencies at ambient temperatures to generate information for defect screening and device performance.

Keywords: optoelectronic applications; characteristics perovskite; growth characteristics; crystal optoelectronic; perovskite ch3nh3pbbr3; ch3nh3pbbr3 crystal

Journal Title: Ferroelectrics
Year Published: 2018

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