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An integration by parts formula in a Markovian regime switching model and application to sensitivity analysis

ABSTRACT We establish an integration by parts formula for the random functionals of a continuous-time Markov chain, based on partial differentiation with respect to jump times. In comparison with existing… Click to show full abstract

ABSTRACT We establish an integration by parts formula for the random functionals of a continuous-time Markov chain, based on partial differentiation with respect to jump times. In comparison with existing methods, our approach does not rely on the Girsanov theorem and it imposes less restrictions on the choice of directions of differentiation, while assuming additional continuity conditions on the considered functionals. As an application we compute sensitivities (Greeks) using stochastic weights in an asset price model with Markovian regime switching.

Keywords: integration parts; markovian regime; regime switching; parts formula

Journal Title: Stochastic Analysis and Applications
Year Published: 2017

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