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Diet-mediated metaorganismal relay biotransformation: health effects and pathways.

Photo by neonbrand from unsplash

In recent years, the concept of metaorganism expands our insight into how diet-microbe-host interactions contribute to human health and diseases. We realized that many biological metabolic processes in the host… Click to show full abstract

In recent years, the concept of metaorganism expands our insight into how diet-microbe-host interactions contribute to human health and diseases. We realized that many biological metabolic processes in the host can be summarized into metaorganismal relay pathways, in which metabolites such as trimethylamine-N‑oxide, short-chain fatty acids and bile acids act as double-edged swords (beneficial or harmful effects) in the initiation and progression of diseases. Pleiotropic effects of metabolites are derived from several influencing factors including dose level, targeted organ of effect, action duration and species of these metabolites. Based on the pleiotropic effects of metabolites, personalized therapeutic approaches including microecological agents, enzymatic regulators and changes in dietary habits to govern related metabolite production may provide a new insight in promoting human health. In this review, we summarize our current knowledge of metaorganismal relay pathways and elaborate on the pleiotropic effects of metabolites in these pathways, with special emphasis on related therapeutic nutritional interventions.

Keywords: pleiotropic effects; metaorganismal relay; diet mediated; effects metabolites; health

Journal Title: Critical reviews in food science and nutrition
Year Published: 2021

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