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Migrant Women’s Voices: Talking About Life and Work in the UK Since 1945

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Harris’s principal source materials, derived from the print media, are used to good effect not only for Britain as a whole, but also for England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales individually.… Click to show full abstract

Harris’s principal source materials, derived from the print media, are used to good effect not only for Britain as a whole, but also for England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales individually. Perhaps more use could have been made of archival documentary sources. For example, why were the private papers of Lord Noel Baker not consulted? Apart from watching the 1908 London Games and competing in the 1912 and 1920 Olympiads, he published articles in the media on politics and sport and became a MP and a de facto Minister of Sport.

Keywords: migrant women; women voices; work since; life work; talking life; voices talking

Journal Title: Cultural and Social History
Year Published: 2017

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