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Location-based technologies for supporting elderly pedestrian in “getting lost” events

Photo by thisisengineering from unsplash

AbstractPurpose: Localization-based technologies promise to keep older adults with dementia safe and support them and their caregivers during getting lost events. This paper summarizes mainly technological contributions to support the… Click to show full abstract

AbstractPurpose: Localization-based technologies promise to keep older adults with dementia safe and support them and their caregivers during getting lost events. This paper summarizes mainly technological contributions to support the target group in these events. Moreover, important aspects of the getting lost phenomenon such as its concept and ethical issues are also briefly addressed.Methods: Papers were selected from scientific databases and gray literature. Since the topic is still in its infancy, other terms were used to find contributions associated with getting lost e.g. wandering.Results: Trends of applying localization systems were identified as personal locators, perimeter systems and assistance systems. The first system barely considered the older adult’s opinion, while assistance systems may involve context awareness to improve the support for both the elderly and the caregiver. Since few studies report multidisciplinary work with a special focus on getting lost, there is not a strong evidenc...

Keywords: supporting elderly; technologies supporting; location based; based technologies; getting lost; lost events

Journal Title: Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology
Year Published: 2017

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