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Advances in micromechanical modelling of asphalt mixtures: a review

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Abstract This paper carries out a survey on available methods for micromechanical modelling on asphalt mixture. Focus is placed on models based on different concepts as well as different computational… Click to show full abstract

Abstract This paper carries out a survey on available methods for micromechanical modelling on asphalt mixture. Focus is placed on models based on different concepts as well as different computational methods in numerical implementation. The major topics covered include: models based on discrete element method, micromechanical finite element models, disturbed state concept, the discontinuous deformation analysis method, integration of mechanics on different scales, etc. A brief description of some fundamental algorithms in discrete element and finite element methods are also included due to the modelling accuracy and thus wide interest in them. Simple case studies are included to illustrate the methods in discussion wherever space allows.

Keywords: asphalt mixtures; mixtures review; advances micromechanical; modelling asphalt; micromechanical modelling; element

Journal Title: European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering
Year Published: 2020

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