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Effectiveness of pre-employment independent life education program designed for young adults with intellectual disability

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Abstract It is important to provide the independent life support individuals with intellectual disabilities need in preparing for employment. The primary purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness… Click to show full abstract

Abstract It is important to provide the independent life support individuals with intellectual disabilities need in preparing for employment. The primary purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of the Pre-Employment Independent Life Education Program (PILEP) design based on the needs to inform and support young adults. The research model is a pre-test post-test control group design. Thirty young adults with intellectual disabilities participated in the study. Also, included within the scope of the social validity study were the opinions of the participants and stakeholders in the PILEP. The PILEP consists of three modules: (1) Personal Care and Hygiene, (2) Preparation to Community Life and (3) Health and Safety. A mixed ANOVA (2x3) with two factors was performed to investigate the effectiveness of the PILEP. The results showed that PILEP was effective regarding the knowledge and skills of young adults. A significant difference (p < .05; η2 = 0.94) was found between the experimental group and control group with large effect size. In the social validity study, the opinions of the participants, their parents, employer, job teacher and lead waiter were interviewed. The opinions on the content, presentation, and implementation with multimedia design of the PILEP were positive.

Keywords: independent life; pre employment; life; young adults; effectiveness pre

Journal Title: International Journal of Developmental Disabilities
Year Published: 2022

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