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The Renaissance Extended Mind. Miranda Anderson. New Directions in Philosophy and Cognitive Science. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015. xx + 278 pp. $95.

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French summaries and introductions for each individual letter. The footnotes and ancillary material included in this volume are extensive, but never excessive. They are as helpful in clarifying political nuances… Click to show full abstract

French summaries and introductions for each individual letter. The footnotes and ancillary material included in this volume are extensive, but never excessive. They are as helpful in clarifying political nuances as they are in rightly illuminating complex theological disagreements. The editors ignored no relevant biographical information, and track down biblical allusions that even a close reader might not have noticed. The execution of this edition is impeccable, and the topics involved will be useful for researchers in both political and ecclesiastical history.

Keywords: renaissance; renaissance extended; philosophy; mind miranda; miranda anderson; extended mind

Journal Title: Renaissance Quarterly
Year Published: 2017

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