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Combined radiation burn injuries: A note

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Combined radiation injury occurs when radiation is accompanied by any other form of trauma. The past experiences of Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and Chernobyl have revealed that a large number of victims… Click to show full abstract

Combined radiation injury occurs when radiation is accompanied by any other form of trauma. The past experiences of Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and Chernobyl have revealed that a large number of victims of such nuclear accidents or attacks suffer from combined radiation injuries. The possibility of a nuclear attack seems very far-fetched, but the destruction that would occur in such an event would be massive, with a huge lossof lives. Therefore, preparedness for the same should be done beforehand. The severity of combined radiation depends upon various factors, such as radiation dose, type, tissues affected, and traumas. The article focuses on combined radiation burn injury (CRBI) which may arise due to the combination of ionising radiation with thermal burns. CRBI can have varied effects on different organs like the hematopoietic, digestive, lymphatic, cardiovascular, and respiratory systems. Some of the most profound lethal effects are hematopoietic dysfunction, gastrointestinal leakage, bacterial translocation to other organ sites, pulmonary fibrosis, and pneumonitis. In this article, we have attempted to accumulate the knowledge of ongoing research on the functioning of different organ systems, which are affected due to CRBI and possible countermeasures to minimize the effects, thus improving survival.

Keywords: burn injuries; combined radiation; injuries note; radiation; radiation burn

Journal Title: Journal of Radiological Protection
Year Published: 2022

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