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Revisiting CMB constraints on dark matter annihilation

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The precision measurements of the cosmic microwave background power spectrum put a strong constraint on the dark matter annihilation cross section since the electromagnetic energy injection by the dark matter… Click to show full abstract

The precision measurements of the cosmic microwave background power spectrum put a strong constraint on the dark matter annihilation cross section since the electromagnetic energy injection by the dark matter annihilation affects the ionization history of the universe. In this paper, we update our previous simulation code for calculating the ionization history with the effect of dark matter annihilation by including Helium interactions and improving the precision of calculations. We give an updated constraint on the annihilation cross section and mass of dark matter using the modified RECFAST code with the Planck 2018 datasets.

Keywords: matter; dark matter; revisiting cmb; matter annihilation; cmb constraints

Journal Title: Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
Year Published: 2021

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