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Automated Optical Inspection and Image Analysis of Superconducting Radio-Frequency Cavities

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The inner surface of superconducting cavities plays a crucial role to achieve highest accelerating fields and low losses. For an investigation of this inner surface of more than 100 cavities… Click to show full abstract

The inner surface of superconducting cavities plays a crucial role to achieve highest accelerating fields and low losses. For an investigation of this inner surface of more than 100 cavities within the cavity fabrication for the European XFEL and the ILC HiGrade Research Project, an optical inspection robot OBACHT was constructed. To analyze up to 2325 images per cavity, an image processing and analysis code was developed and new variables to describe the cavity surface were obtained. The accuracy of this code is up to 97% and the PPV 99% within the resolution of 15.63 $\mu \mathrm{m}$. The optical obtained surface roughness is in agreement with standard profilometric methods. The image analysis algorithm identified and quantified vendor specific fabrication properties as the electron beam welding speed and the different surface roughness due to the different chemical treatments. In addition, a correlation of $\rho = -0.93$ with a significance of $6\,\sigma$ between an obtained surface variable and the maximal accelerating field was found.

Keywords: image analysis; optical inspection; surface; image

Journal Title: Journal of Instrumentation
Year Published: 2017

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