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Using Machine Learning Techniques and National Tuberculosis Surveillance Data to Predict Excess Growth in Genotyped Tuberculosis Clusters.

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The early identification of clusters of persons with tuberculosis (TB) that will grow to become outbreaks creates an opportunity for intervention in preventing future TB cases. We used surveillance data… Click to show full abstract

The early identification of clusters of persons with tuberculosis (TB) that will grow to become outbreaks creates an opportunity for intervention in preventing future TB cases. We used surveillance data (2009-2018) from the United States, statistically derived definitions of unexpected growth, and machine learning techniques to predict which clusters of genotype-matched TB cases are most likely to continue accumulating cases above expected growth within a 1-year follow-up period. We developed a model to predict which clusters are likely to grow on a training and testing dataset that was generalizable to a validation dataset. Our model shows that characteristics of clusters were more important than the social, demographic, and clinical characteristics of the patients in those clusters. For instance, the time between cases before unexpected growth was identified as the most important of our predictors. A faster accumulation of cases increased the probability of excess growth being predicted during the follow-up period. We demonstrated that combining the characteristics of clusters and cases with machine learning can add to existing tools to help prioritize which clusters may benefit most from public health interventions. For example, consideration of an entire cluster, not only an individual patient, may assist in interrupting ongoing transmission.

Keywords: tuberculosis; growth; machine learning; surveillance data; learning techniques

Journal Title: American journal of epidemiology
Year Published: 2022

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